(lĕt′ərs) (är) (sǐm′bəls)
(thăt) (rĕp′rǐ-zĕnt′) (soundz)
(ǐn) (wǐch) (wē) (plās) (mē′nǐng)
(wĕn) (thā) (är)
(strŭng) (tə-gĕth′ər)
(ǐn) (vâr′ē-əs)
(ŭv) (vâr′ē-ǐng)
Writer's statement
"Centipede Sun" by Mihai Grecu, the director deconstructs
images of the natural setting in an attempt to highlight the
potential for social deconstruction. That is, Grecu breaks apart that
which is seen as permanent and lasting for example rock and
landscape. This poem deconstructs language which as we know
from Derrida as well as Habermas has a reified quality and is treated
by users as permanent and lasting as well. However, the environment
and language which are so foundational to our life and existence
are constantly changing and though they are intersubjectively shared
have a meaning predicated on a socially constructed and fragile base.