Depersonalization Journals

by Alan Clinton

I can see you walking
floating outside your body
covered with other people’s flesh
projecting affidavits into juniper trees
you hid in the parking lot, qui vive?
As if the phrase were in motion toward or away.
Random to you. In the case of. Realpolitik rebus.
Chafe, are you going to read Voltaire?

You are always over there, in the course
of going back and forth.
You can only translate in New York, rare
formula, recitative.
Your eyes fill with blood, reclaim aircraft,
verso allegations.
Prostitutes will find you.

Leap better.
You can’t eat, or know where to go.
Reading god calls for waiting.
Molten shelves. Redivivus.

Add impossible, refer to gale series,
a method of recognition.
You attacked genes, sour philosophy numb.
Wilhelm Reich offering accommodation,
you went to Sarah Winchester’s medium.

Your money disappears
money cigarettes and brakes
belts fall out of your jacket Buddhism,
you tour churches, forget the black man
in the basement who speaks in the wrong frequency.
Wants an altar.
Flat background—and blind.
Religious, religioso, samadhi is leaving the country.
Like Manet?

Alan Clinton received his Masters in English at the University of Georgia in 1996, studying under Hugh Kenner, Margaret Dickie, and Antony Shuttleworth, all of whom contributed to his interest in modernist literature and its political nuances. In May 2002, he received his Ph.D. in Literature at the University of Florida where he focused on the French avant-garde tradition (Mallarmé, Dadaism, Surrealism, the Situationists) and spiritualism. Most recently he guest-edited the Occult issue of 2nd Avenue Poetry. He has work forthcoming in Frank: An International Journal of Contemporary Writing and Art and has recently published work in Exquisite Corpse, Otoliths, Euphony, 3AM Magazine, The13th Warrior Review, Glossator, 88: A Journal of Contemporary American Poetry, Hunger Magazine, Pacific Review, Art: Mag, Portland Review, First Offense, Absinthe Literary Review, No Exit, 66: A Journal of Sonnet Studies, and freefall. Lee Ballentine of Ocean View Books has published his long poem Skeleton Key to the Wilderness, and his collection of poetry Horatio Alger’s Keys was published by BlazeVOX in 2008. His book Curtain Call: A Metaphorical Memoir appeared in October with Escape Media / Open Books.