No One's Poem

by Jason Heroux

Night drops black letters
in the window's mailbox
my love the long gray grass
rises from earth's smokestack.

Transparent band-aids of rain
fall from the sky my love
but all the wounds are indoors
Every mirror is a moment

without a voice 
my love every snowflake
is a sedative
on the sidewalk's tongue.

The mailman delivers some
of our letters to the cemetery
my love we'll open them
when no one is watching.

Jason Heroux is the author of two poetry collections, “Memoirs of an Alias” (Mansfield Press, 2004) and “Emergency Hallelujah” (Mansfield Press, 2008), and a novella titled “Good Evening, Central Laundromat” (Quattro Books, 2010). His poems have appeared in chapbooks, anthologies and magazines in Canada, the U.S., Belgium, France, and Italy.  He lives in Kingston, Ontario Canada.